The Red Notebook by Antoine Laurain

The Red Notebook

Antoine Laurain

A gentle and happy love story which develops from a very inauspicious beginning. Would a woman who was mugged not report the crime? Can the contents of a stolen hand bag reveal so much about the owner that the finder falls in love with her? If you can accept these possibilities then you should enjoy this short French novel. Very cosmopolitan atmosphere and entertaining minor characters. Written by the winner of several French literary prizes.

This was ridiculous. Was he really going to head back out into the dark on his own and wait around for the phone to ring? Five floors up, Laure might be at home tonight....
Laurent was too close to stop now. He put the envelope back in his coat pocket and called the lift .... So here he was. He would ring the bell and she would come to the door. Laurent ran his hand through his hair, cleared his throat and rang the bell.
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