The Maestro, the Magistrate and the Mathematician by Tendai Huchu

The Maestro, the Magistrate and the Mathematician

Tendai Huchu

This is a remarkable story of three Zimbabweans in Edinburgh, not sure of whether they are exiles or expatriates, because of the circumstances in which they find themselves. It tells of how their lives interact unintentionally, and of the disastrous consequences. It is a tale of responsibility, of loneliness, of alienation and of realpolitik told through the lives of these three men. And you will not guess the ending.

He pushed her away. It took every ounce of will to muster himself again and order her to go to her room. She dropped the clothes on the floor and fled upstairs. The Magistrate took the Walkman from his pocket and threw it against the wall. It broke, cracking with the characteristic sound of plastic. The cassette flew out and spilt ribbons and screws. He collapsed onto the footstool by the door, his eyes fixed on the pile of clothes. One of the muddy trainers was turned up, exposing a word out sole. The weight of the entire universe pressed down on him.
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