Vanishing Monuments by  John Elizabeth Stintzi

Vanishing Monuments

John Elizabeth Stintzi

Alana returns to her home town to see her dying mother for the first time in almost 30 years. As she revisits her childhood home, memories flood back and she takes us through a journey of events leading up to her night-time flight with her girlfriend all those years ago. Poetic and eloquent, and a touching reminder of the complexities of family relationships and what it means to belong, I needed to keep turning the pages to discover more.


I moved through the crowd like a sort of monument, but one that does not declare itself as a monument and does not declare its intention. A monument that stands for no real motive but what it invokes in context, a monument that's here as much for itself as for anyone else. I walk through the crowd, remembering hugely the void that I carried around so heavily when I ran away to Hamburg. The void that I still have, of course, but have grown better at carrying.

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