The Year of the Hare by Arto Paasilinna

The Year of the Hare

Arto Paasilinna

Amazing, witty and philosophical this is a gentle exploration of the value of 'stepping out' of the rat race. I was enchanted and would love to see the film of this modern Finnish classic.

He sat on the back seat of the bus, with the hare in a basket. Several countrymen were sitting at the back, so they could smoke. When they spotted the hare, they started building a conversation round it. There were, it was soon established, more leverets than usual this summer. They tried to guess: was it a doe or a buck? Did he intend to slaughter and eat the hare when it was fully grown? No, he had no intention, he said. That led to a general consensus: no one would kill his own dog; and it was sometimes easier to get attached to an animal than a person.
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  • Any collection of short stories by Guy de Maupassant