To the Devil: A Diva! by Paul Magrs

To the Devil: A Diva!

Paul Magrs

Don't be fooled by the gentle story of wartime childhood that opens the book. Before you know it, it's built up into an orgy of over-the-top characters and fantasy plots. Paul Magrs has got an incredible imagination and has produced a funny, bizarre book that's an amazing mix of crime, TV soaps and celebrity life, with a few lesbian vampires thrown in for good measure!

'And next thing you knew, we would be up to all sorts of impromptu naughtiness. Just like it is on TV.'
'Well, wouldn't it be like that?'
Lance put his glass down. 'No. I'm not gay.'
'Yeah. Right.'
'Anyway. There's bigger things at stake this afternoon, than a little tumble in the hay with an overkeen barman ....'

'What's got you so worked up, anyway? Scared that Karla Sorenson's gonna take the limelight off you?'
Lance grew suddenly grim. 'No,' he said. 'I'm scared she's going to kill me and suck out all my blood.'
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