The Panopticon by Jenni Fagan

The Panopticon

Jenni Fagan

Don’t be put off by the Scots dialect, it takes a moment to tune in - but I found that within just a few pages I was hooked on this lively, shocking, unforgettable story! Dark and disturbing, raw and engaging, and definitely one I’d recommend!

There’s wire through the front windows but not the side ones. They’ll be easier tae smash. I try to breathe easy, but I want these fucking cuffs off, and my neck aches, and I’m starving. I want a milkshake and a vege-burger with cheese.
The policeman rings the bell again. My heart’s going. I’ve moved fifty-one fucking times now, but every time I walk through a new door I feel exactly the same - two years old and ready tae bite
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