Arkady by Patrick Langley


Patrick Langley

Brothers Jackson and Frank can only trust each other as they try to escape from a world of civil unrest, authoritarian government, abandoned buildings and catastrophic climate change. We are not told where or when the novel is set but it seems like London and it is certainly not very far in the future. There are some good people in this harsh world but this is a powerful warning to us all.

It happened slowly at first. The evenings grew eerily quiet. Fewer lights in the windows. Letters slid under doors. Court cases between tenants and landlords fizzled out in defeat for the former. Protests were quietly ignored. Families vanished, there one evening, gone the next. Men in hardhats and hi-vis waistcoats materialised, sealing the doors of freshly vacated flats with sheets of perforated metal. They cling-filmed the windows and poured concrete down the toilets.
None of it made sense.
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