Fred and Edie by Jill Dawson

Fred and Edie

Jill Dawson

Reads like a good thriller but also a love story. However, it offers much more than most thrillers or romances, not least because Edie is so honest about her life and feelings, and because of the ending: which still shocks even though Edith Thompson's fate is known.

The bed is creaking slightly (as beds are wont to do) and I become aware also of Freddy's proximity just next door, and all in a fever with the shyness and yet excitement of Freddy right next door, a young man who has travelled and experienced the world, and him knowing - no doubt - what we are up to.

... Percy rolls away, patting me lightly, as you might pat a child on its bottom, and I know he is embarrassed and possibly shocked. He couldn't fail to have noticed that my response was quite different to usual.

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