The Schoolboy by Holly Howitt

The Schoolboy

Holly Howitt

Schoolboy obsessions with sex, leading to lust, jealousy and violence. But can you believe a word that Nicholas tells you? Or is it all a product of his fertile imagination - not to mention his guilt about his brother? Or is it true? And is Nicholas completely insane. And will he ever be sorry?

'You're late, you know, Nicholas.' Rhonda looks very cross. She is wearing a hideous mud-brown short skirt, and I can see the ginger-skinned flab shake on her thighs as she stands up. 'I have been waiting, and so has Mr. Craven.'
'I know, I'm sorry. I was in the library.'
'Making up for lost time?'
'You took the morning off. We don't take that sort of thing lightly here - not with your exams so near.'
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Explicit sexual Content