The Story of Beautiful Girl by Rachel Simon

The Story of Beautiful Girl

Rachel Simon

Lynnie and Homan's story gave me a glimpse of how it must feel to be unwanted, powerless, and speechless. We meet them in a desperate state, on the run from an institution with a newborn. After their enforced separation we follow their lives as they reach towards their real potential. But, as their early misery was mitigated by love, it is love that provides an uplifting climax to this haunting book.

He looked at her, astonished. She gazed back, hopeful. And without thinking, he lowered his fingers to her neck and touched her skin as if he were a locket in the hollow of her bone. When she said it again he could feel it even more. Feh thuh. He let out a laugh and closed his eyes, and she did it over and over, as thrilled to know he could hear her voice as she was to know she could speak. Then he lifted his fingers to his own throat. It was Fuh uh. She shook her head no. Right: it was Feh thuh. She nodded. Feh thuh. Feh thuh. He used his voice as he hadn't for so long. She used hers back. They watched each other try. They touched each other's necks. They felt each other speak.
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