The Spoiler by Annalena McAfee

The Spoiler

Annalena McAfee

Honor and Tamara are very different journalists, so when they meet for an interview sparks fly, alongside confusion, competition, and jealousy. The tension is rife between the 80 year old renowned witness to major world events and the 27 year old glossy, tabloid space-filler. Despite often being difficult to read, (a dictionary is useful), the relationship between the two women makes this a book worth the effort.

Honor leaned towards her, as if she was about to share a confidence. 'Very wise, dear,' she said. 'It would be disastrous if one of your stories were to be lost to the reading public. Like Alexandria's Library all over again.' Tamara caught the hostility, but not the reference and smiled - a jaunty, dishonest grin - right back. Okay. She got the picture. Honor Tait was not going to make it easy, or pleasant. But Tamara was a professional. She had come here to get a story, to advance her career, not to make a friend. ... In her notebook she wrote:Chk: who is Alexandria? What happened to her library?
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