Easy Money by Jens Lapidus

Easy Money

Jens Lapidus

Will the drugs barons of Stockholm's rival ethnic gangs find a common cause in the face of heightened police penetration of their traffic? Maybe if there wasn't so much scope for individual blackmail of establishment figures, and the need for personal revenge .... A slick, intelligent thriller which delivers a feel of pervasive terror as it draws you into a dark underworld of drug cartels.

Psychological borders carved into the Stockholm territory. Kungsgatan was divided into three geographical regions. Farthest down, by Stureplan, were stylish clothing stores, cafes, bars, movie theaters, and electronics retailers. All types of people walked this stretch: Svens, Stureplaners, slumdogs. The next segment led from Hotorget down to Vasagatan. Crap central: shitty dives and rowdy restaurants. Street-fight central: populated by blattes and Svens.
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