Life Drawing by Robin Black

Life Drawing

Robin Black

There's no doubt that the affair is coming. It as good as announces itself with full headlights and blaring horn. The only question is, what sort of karma it might deliver. And here’s the moral dilemma: is the artistic inspiration awoken by new (and illicit) love worth the inevitable tragic consequences? The writing here has the power to make the reader live every decision and keep asking the question: would I do?

It took me a moment to remember the topic. 'Oh, he can be pretty broody,' I said. 'But then also... I mean, he stuck with me, right? So that pretty much defines him as the forgiving type.' I didn't tell her about the silence in which we had gone to bed the night before, the cold that had seemed to emanate from his side of the bed. 'We'll be okay. It's just going to take a little time. All those reopened wounds.'
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