City of Lies by Sam Hawke

City of Lies

Sam Hawke

More deceit and treachery than Game of Thrones! At the core of this fantasy cycle is the bond between two siblings, a youth with OCD and his frail sister. As their world falls apart, they discover their strength and the neglected old gods of Silasta.

I was seven years old the first time my uncle poisoned me.
He served me the toxin in his signature cheese stew. It gave me waves of stomach cramps and hallucinations of every horror my young mind could conjure, but left no lasting damage. I learned that day to trust nothing on my plate or in my cup, not even something prepared by my beloved uncle Ethan, my Tashi, the most honored and trusted person in my world. Especially not him.
By ten, I could identify the ingredients in most dishes set before me ... I could detect any of the eleven greater poisons hidden in those dishes. Most by taste, some by smell, and one by its unique mouthfeel. I could also, should the need arise, use them myself.
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