Exit Management by Naomi Booth

Exit Management

Naomi Booth

A book that will grasp you in its cold grip. Controlling Lauren, determined to succeed but haunted by her past, meets Cal, a loser drifting through life with only his friendship with elderly Jozsef to keep him going. There’s an unease in the dark beauty of the language, the fragmented sentences and unpunctuated dialogue, though the book is not without hope and compassion. An emotionally thrilling and psychologically probing read.


Everything so luxurious in this house that her movements are silence. Feet muffled in the thick, gold-coloured pile. Moving so quietly that it’s as though she’s progressing through a dream. Is she floating? Crossing the hall and pushing open the door to the master bedroom. Jozsef, an old, tiny thing, curled on his side in the massive bed. Sitting down beside him. The curtains open; there is moonlight. Looking at his head on the pillow. He’s so small; a sea-creature prised from its shell; helpless, naked, bereft. He opens his eyes, but he does not look at her.

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