Beautiful Inez by Bart Schneider

Beautiful Inez

Bart Schneider

Rarely am I so moved by a story that I become totally absorbed in the lives of the characters. Sylvia and Inez, both strong and compelling women, find each other in this story of reawakening love. Underlying this passion, however, stirs a sadness that never goes away. An emotive and mesmerising read.

By the time she returns to the living room, Inez has forgotten about the idea of leaving. She refills her jelly jar with the cheap burgundy and sits where Sylvia had sat earlier, in the wicker basket chair. She laughs out loud at the sight of Sylvia, half swallowed in the overstuffed chair.

'There's room here,' Sylvia says. 'You don't have to sit over there.'
Inez shakes her head. 'No, I need to keep an eye on you. I'm not sure what you're up to.'
'Please sit here.'
'No, I want to look at you.' Once Inez realizes that she can have a hand in the seduction, she's no longer frightened.
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