The Help by Kathryn Stockett

The Help

Kathryn Stockett

This is not just another book about the American deep south. The focus of the story is the bravery of a group of women who stand up for what they believe to be right. Told from three different perspectives, the first person narrative allows us to enter the minds of the characters which makes them very real. The author's background suggests she may have known people who experienced similar situations. Definitely one to read.

I don't know what she does for five minutes on the second floor. I don't like it up there though. Those bedrooms should be stacked up with kids laughing and hollering and pooping up the place. But it's none of my business what Miss Celia does with her day, and ask me, I'm glad she's staying out of my way.... Even though she has zero kids and nothing to do all day, she is the laziest woman I've ever seen. Including my sister Doreena who never lifted a royal finger growing up because she had the heart defect we later found out was a fly on the X-ray machine.
  • Mudbound by Hillary Jordan
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Food for thought