Beyond the Great Indoors by Ingvar Ambjørnsen

Beyond the Great Indoors

Ingvar Ambjørnsen

Two middle-aged guys living together and you realise they both have big problems - anxietes about venturing out of the house, even answering the phone. An optimistic tale of how awkward and damaged human beings can help each other - with some great comic moments.

He crammed the fridge full. 'Instant mash. And stewed prunes for dessert, to keep the system working. I've had a few problems dumping just recently.'
Exactly. I was becoming more and more certain that his reticence towards Reidun Nordsletten had been a blessing. A report about the functioning of your bowels was hardly likley to inspire intimacy in a developing relationship between a man and a woman. That he told me about it and not her was complete chance, I was quite sure of that. He didn't say a lot, but what he did say, he would say to anyone.
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