The Reluctant Mullah by Sagheer Afzal

The Reluctant Mullah

Sagheer Afzal

Determined to fight tradition and an arranged marriage, Musa, an embryonic fun-loving mullah in a British madrasah, is assisted by his colourful family and aggressively opinionated friends to track down the girl of his dreams. You don’t know whether to laugh or cry while reading this book as the message communicated is that faith is no substitute for lived experience and that wisdom is on the other side of pain, not on the other side of a page.

All it takes is that little moment inside your heart and then nothing else will matter. And when you see that in the other person’s eyes, then you know it’s forever. That’s what none of you get. People never stop dreaming. It doesn’t matter whether you’re rich or poor, everyone wants a bit of wonder in their life. And they’ll go on and on trying to find it. Maybe they’ll cheat on their wives, maybe their wives will start living in a fantasy world, but they’ll never stop looking. That’s what it’s all about; passion, not money.
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