Reparation by Gaby Koppel


Gaby Koppel

An enjoyable and fact filled read that explores and incorporates WW2 history, religious life, Jewish persecution and relationships. Things start slowly but pick up pace as the book moves on and the storylines become untangled. The characters are great: Elizabeth is a slightly less effervescent Bridget Jones character but is equally enjoyable to know whereas her mother, Mutti, is a force to be reckoned with. Enjoy and savour.

I can't keep using him as a comfort blanket and human shield, and however much I think I love him, there's only one way of finding out what life would be like without him. I've got to make myself walk away, to find out if I can live without him.
I've been carrying Valentina's card around in my bag for days. I take it out and have another look at it. It is heavy and unyielding in my hand. Feeling treacherous, I dial the number. The answering machine clicks in. Of course it's night-time and weekend, what was I thinking? I leave a message.
The following morning I wake early. The divan gives way under my weight. It must be twenty years old, so the springs have given up. A comfortable sitting position doesn't work. When I lean back, the whole thing rolls away so I slide down in the gap between the bed and the wall.
  • Testament by Kim Sherwood
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