The Execution of Noa P. Singleton by Elizabeth L Silver

The Execution of Noa P. Singleton

Elizabeth L Silver

Mea Culpa. Noa seems resigned to the fact that she is on Death Row. But what is she hiding? Unexpected twists and turns occur as she reveals the tragic consequences of a series of unfortunate choices. Dark and brooding, I found the protagonist’s arrogant attitude and theories made for uncomfortable reading.

Look, I’m not about to use this little idea to protest that I can’t be executed on November 7 because I can’t understand what I did or why I’m going to die. I know what I did. I know what I didn’t do. I said that from the beginning of this manuscript. But my death – my public death- would give some people pleasure, and it would bring others quite a well-served windfall. If you ask me, it’s unadulterated altruism that has yet to be exploited.
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