The Gift of Rain by Tan Twan Eng

The Gift of Rain

Tan Twan Eng

The terrible sense of foreboding which permeates this novel makes for a tense, painful and gripping read. Love, war, duty, betrayal, destiny - simply a wonderful story which I couldn't put down.

On this one evening the rain had momentarily lessened to an almost undetectable mist, as though preparing for her arrival. The light was fading and the scent of wet grass wove through the air like threads entwining with the perfume of the flowers, creating an intricate tapestry of fragance. I was out on the terrace, alone as I had been for many years, on the edge of sleep, dreaming of another life. The door chimes echoed through the house, hesitant, unfamiliar in a place they seldom entered, like a cat placing a tentative paw on a path it does not habitually walk.
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