Echoes from the Dead by Johan Theorin

Echoes from the Dead

Johan Theorin

A compelling story of secrets and lies uncovered by Julia and her estranged father in their search for the truth about what happened to her young son on the Swedish island of Oland. Despite repeatedly getting lost in the wealth of characters and the story jumping from time and place I found the one chapter I intended to read before going to sleep became four or five. I'll definitely look out for more of Theorin's books.

The derelict house formed a big, black shadow against the night sky. The only way to find out if anyone was hiding there was to ... go into Vera's house and have a look for herself.
But it would be insane to do it, Julia knew that, at least on her own. Vera Kant's was a ghost house nowadays, but...
What if Jens had gone in there on that day? What if he was still in there?
Come inside, Mummy. Come inside, come and get me ...
No. She mustn't think like that.
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