All the Birds in the Sky by Charlie Jane Anders

All the Birds in the Sky

Charlie Jane Anders

Well, I suppose it all depends on who you would trust if you have to save the world - a bunch of mad scientists or a group of wacky wizards. So the choice is between Saruman and Frankenstein. And quite frankly, I would not want to make the choice. But that is what Patricia and Laurence have to do. So they choose, and find out that either choice can be fairly disastrous. But will they save the world?

Patricia wasn't sure if she should ask about the big machine with the giant vacuum-tube-looking body and the pointy nozzle. But then Laurence started explaining it anyway: 'We're working on solving gravity.' He examined some readings on the machine. 'We don't have true antigrav yet, just a few isolated instances. And antigrav isn't the point. Controlling gravity is. We know that it's a weak force in our universe, which means it's a strong force somewhere else. And we're trying to figure out where, or what, that is.'
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