Teethmarks On My Tongue by Eileen Battersby

Teethmarks On My Tongue

Eileen Battersby

Narrated by the precocious, yet strangely unworldly Helen, this coming of age story starts (literally) with a bang. Brought up to hide her feelings, she lives in her head, lacking the emotional intelligence to connect with other people. As a struggle for self determination, Helen's story is one that many troubled adolescents can relate to, and readers of all ages be affected by, with plenty of material for reader groups to discuss.

After Mother though I could sense that people were waiting for me to have a breakdown, it just hadn’t happened and even I was beginning to wonder why not. Was there something wrong with me? The best way of explaining it is to imagine a plane being kept in a holding zone, not being able to land until the way is clear and somehow the space never does become free. Leaving it stuck up there in the sky.

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