De Sade's Valet by Nikolaj Frobenius

De Sade's Valet

Nikolaj Frobenius

A fascinating account of a disturbed mind but be prepared for the gruesome dissections of human brains.

For Latour one thing was absolutely clear. Goupils was the cause of his mother not caring about him any longer. Bou-Bou must have become totally mixed up in her feelings. She was like a lovesick dog, and it was impossible to talk to her. Latour was sure his mother would only get angry if he tried to point out Goupils' obvious defects: he was greedy, cowardly, dishonest and hypocritical, to name but a few, and he was also mean and small minded. Latour lay awake all night worrying about the best way to proceed, listening to the noises of their repulsive lovemaking from the next room. He thought of Goupils' happy face. And of ways of killing him.
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