The Visitor by Sheri S Tepper

The Visitor

Sheri S Tepper

A rollicking good plot and plenty of food for thought: SF at its best. On a pre- and post-catastrophe Earth, people struggle for survival and meaning. Will they be saved by faith or self-reliance?

Jackson said, 'We invented a council of a dozen members, and we didn't make up any titles! It was a mystical concept! What Alan called a faith-anchor. Something for the survivors to believe in, something to give hope ....'
Nell growled, 'Well, now our faith-anchor has grown itself a hull, a mast, a set of sails, and maybe even an engine! Our mystical concept is crewed by mystical titles: Tamlar, Ialond, Aarond, et-bloody-al-onds, and Elnith is coming.'
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