Mister Candid by Jules Hardy

Mister Candid

Jules Hardy

Chum Kane was a child genius born into a wealthy family, but an horrific event in his teens turned him into a serial killer. For seventeen years he has been hunted by the FBI but regarded by all as basically a good person - can murder be all bad when you are killing rapists and murderers? A well-written book that grips to the end.

Chum negotiates a lazy bend and sees a woman in distress on the other side of the road, a large man practically on top of her. Chum brakes, rolls down the window and calls, 'Hey lady, are you OK?'.

Bronwen looks up through bleary eyes, her chin streaked with saliva and vomit, and sees the man of her dreams. Flanagan stops rubbing her back, looks at Mr Candid with amazement. Bronwen throws up again, sickened now by humiliation.

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