Good to a Fault by Marina Endicott

Good to a Fault

Marina Endicott

I enjoyed reading this book - the start is a bit slow but the characters are so rich and full that you become drawn in to their lives. Each has their own issues and personal baggage but as a whole they come together and form an unusual family. The main character is lonely and seeks solace looking after another woman's children, filling her days with their demands. All in all, a pleasing gentle read perfect for a lazy afternoon.

it was impossible, being with these children. After four days of it Clara was exhausted by their clatter and the grime that attended them, and their easy assumption that she would do everything for them. The cooking alone never seemed to end. The perpetual low-grade noise started at dawn with Pearce waking up, and might have been the worst thing - but Clara wasn't sleeping anyway, too conscious of everyone else, of the new disturbing mass of people surrounding her. There was far too much to do in the house, keeping any kind of order, but they had to deal with the car, too, and she'd promised.
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