Home Boy by H M Naqvi

Home Boy

H M Naqvi

Do you want some advice? Don't be a Moslem in New York after 9/11 - a snowball in Hell has a better chance. As Jimbo, Chuck and AC discover, when the three Metrostanis, decide to go to Connecticut to visit an absent friend, and end up in the Metropolitan Detention Centre. This is an outsider's take on living in the city, of coming to terms with a different culture, of love and loss, and just being totally confused ... in other words: life!

We drove fast, taking seceral quick turns, and before long were gunning down some highway, honking, swerving, overtaking cars. The interior smelled of wet cigarettes and Old Spice, a heady, insidious aroma that permeated my hood and settled into my consciousness. I had to open my mouth to breathe, close my eyes to think.
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