So It Is by Liam Murray Bell

So It Is

Liam Murray Bell

In this debut novel set in Belfast at the height of the Troubles, Aoife grows up in an atmosphere of fear and hatred. We see the effects of this environment in the terrorist outrages committed by a young woman intent on revenge. Told from a Nationalist viewpoint, this story is vividly and sympathetically written in spite of the strong language and extreme violence.

No tourists up this end of town, so the portraits of King Billy and Queen Lizzy are for the locals, for the descendants of those that lie stretched and stiff in the Shankhill Rest Garden. A corner shop for bigots. I know rightly that whoever I find inside is my second target. If you're looking for sweets, you may as well go to the sweet shop.
  • The Killer by Jack Elgos
  • All the Colours of the Town by Liam McIlvanney