John Saturnall's Feast by Lawrence Norfolk

John Saturnall's Feast

Lawrence Norfolk

An historic tale to tempt the taste buds. The need to belong frames this journey of self discovery set at the time of the English civil war. A complex story is woven together through notions of witchcraft and hidden truths and follows pathways that are often harsh and dangerous, but never dull. Rich and dense, the book is infused with vivid culinary descriptions to almost taste and smell. A fast paced narrative and a feast of a book!

They were running again, running as hard as they could, the long grass whipping their legs, across the dark meadow and towards the first bank. Once again, oily tallow - smoke laced the night air and the banging of pots and pans mixed with the villagers' shouts. Once again John heard his mother's breath rasp in her throat. Arms flailing, they hauled themselves up the first slope, the heavy bag bumping between them. Then the next and the next in a furious scramble. Only when the ghostly banks of furze and scrub rose around them did they look back.
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