Kingdom of Strangers by Zoe Ferraris

Kingdom of Strangers

Zoe Ferraris

It's difficult for a storyline which has at its centre a female pathologist struggling to do the work of male detectives, in a misogynist society, to avoid becoming a feminist tract. This book succeeds and does so brilliantly by sheer tension and the shrouded motivation of the serial killer. The details of setting and social realism are spot on too.

Ibrahim suspected that the tour company would have changed its staff by now, but the man who was in charge of the Hajj tours, Benigno Dimzon, remembered Reyes. It was unusual for a woman to disappear from one of his tours. The company, Dar el Hijaz, was diligent about keeping an eye on their single women, even walking each of them to her hotel room at night and posting a guard outside the entrance to their hotel to make sure none of them left.
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