The Aeronaut's Guide to Rapture by Stuart Campbell

The Aeronaut's Guide to Rapture

Stuart Campbell

Can be read, with satisfaction as three separate, equally fascinating stories featuring three people trying to survive in an impossible situation. But what makes this book really special is the appearance of the author as, like Prospero in The Tempest, he intervenes with possible redemptions. A book to love or to hate I think.

'Sir, I still see them in my dreams. That line of prisoners with their mouths and eyes taped together, I know, see no evil, speak no evil, they all had an arm on the shoulder of the one in front. "The blind leading the blind," is what the Captain said. Were they shot Sir? I figure they probably deserved it. One of them was crying, I know, a cowardly fucker, but he looked about twelve, Sir. They don't shoot boys do they, Sir?'
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