Nervous System by Lina Meruane

Nervous System

Lina Meruane

Anxious astrophysicist Elle's efforts to finish her doctoral thesis are usurped in this introspective story. Her observations and dissections of strained relationships and her experience of trauma, illness and death are revealed in a searching, often surreal, graphic narrative. Time frames shift and and show the past and the present as physical places with much to reveal about political landscapes fraught with danger.


A donde? she said, realizing what he was suggesting, that they go back to the country of the past, and she asked, to live? Certainly not to die, El parried, smiling moodily. This country is finished and it's going to finish us.  Ella looked at him in astonishment: I don't have any future in my country of the past.

But that wasn't true either.

The only true thing was that Ella was starting to doubt.

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