Tokyo Year Zero by David Peace

Tokyo Year Zero

David Peace

Japan 1946. Is the narrator a Japanese detective involved in tracking a serial killer? Or a Japanese soldier obsessed by atrocities committed in China? Or perhaps a madman? In a unique style, this book will take the reader on an involved and involving journey where nothing may be as it appears.

Hayashi shrugs. Hayashi says, 'You're no better than me , inspector. You think you are, but you're not .... '
I smile. I turn. I leave. I walk away -
Fire upon fire, heat upon heat, a furnace within a furnace ....
'I know you,' he shouts after me. 'I know your secrets ....'
I turn back. I say, 'We lost a war. We've all got secrets.'
Hayashi smiles. Hayashi shakes his head -
'Not like yours, inspector.'
  • The Wind-Up Bird Chronicles by Haruki Murakami
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