Half in Love by Justin Cartwright

Half in Love

Justin Cartwright

Justin Cartwright successfully portrays a world dominated by political intrigue, spin, celebrity and media attention as the successful lives of Richard and Joanna take a downturn in the public eye.

'Richard, a friend on the Express tells me that Joanna has been involved in a drugs scandal in New York.'
'Don't be absurd.'

Talfryn was wearing jeans and a golfer's windcheater, with the Nike logo. His face was very white.
'Put it this way, she was at a dinner with Case Stipe, and after the dinner in the very early morning somebody died of a drugs overdose, somebody who'd been at the dinner. She wasn't present, apparently, when the girl died. She was at Mr Stipe's home. Now I know this doesn't necessarily add up to a scandal, but when the Express prints the story which they got off a stringer in New York, who got it from his cousin in the Police Department, it's going to look very, very bad.'

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