Accidents in the Home by Tessa Hadley

Accidents in the Home

Tessa Hadley

When Clare, married with three children, renews acquaintance with someone whom she slept with at a teenage party you are left wondering if the relationship will be re-ignited. As well as Clare's story, we meet her family, including her thrice married father and his numerous interesting offspring. I found myself completely immersed in the trials and tribulations of this extended family.


On her way to the room with the sofa, someone had put music on, trancey electronic music - Clare saw her coat and briefcase on a chair by the front door. She imagined going to her B&B after all, burying herself in anonymous clean sheets, drinking tea and nursing her hangover, watching television all alone. It seemed to her a desperate and dreadful eventuality, an absolute defeat for ever and ever; but it was also all she had it in her to desire now, now her gods had abandoned her, and she suddenly longed for it.

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