Maps for Lost Lovers by Nadeem Aslam

Maps for Lost Lovers

Nadeem Aslam

An uncompromising and often self-critical insight into a British Asian community living in a northern English town. A lot of characters to come to terms with, but well worth getting to know them as their hopes and values are pulled between different cultures, traditions and grim reality. An epic work that provides a deep insight into a multicultural society. Made the 2004 Booker shortlist.

Kaukab hears the women ... cursing the inventor of the wheel and ruing the day she came to England, this loathsome country that had stolen her daughter from her, the disobedient girl who doesn't want to go to Pakistan for a visit because males and females are segregated there, 'Everything's divided into His and Hers as if anyone needed a reminder of what a great big toilet that country really is, Mother, no wonder you get the shits the moment you land.'
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