The Palace Tiger by Barbara Cleverly

The Palace Tiger

Barbara Cleverly

A cleverly plotted thriller with a fascinating view of India in the 1920s. Joe Sandilands is an intriguing investigator.

'Well, aren't you the careless one! If I had a gun like that I wouldn't let it out of my sight!' said an Indian voice speaking in cultured and fast English. The voice was male, young, unbroken. A child?

Breaking free from the hypnotic fascination of the barrel, Joe looked along it to the small brown hand holding it so unwaveringly steady. Beyond that, an impish face looked back at him with scorn. A boy of ten or eleven, Joe guessed, dressed in a white silk buttoned coat, white trousers and a blue and white striped silk turban.

  • Flashman in the Great Game by George Macdonald Fraser
  • The Damascened Blade by Barbara Cleverly