Us by Richard Mason


Richard Mason

A book about friendships, the betrayal of friendships, relationships working and relationships failing. A book about school, and the brutality of schoolchildren, about surviving by keeping your head down. But most of all a book about moral choices, and the consequences of those choices. Oh, and it's about how you never really know your parents, or your brothers, or your sisters, or your friends and what life has done to them.

Maggie gets up and goes over to the kettle, fills it at the basin and switches it on. 'I've met this boy,' she tells me, 'the first boy I ever kissed, as it happens. Not that he knows that. I haven't seen him for years, but we bumped into each other the other day - it was so weird seeing him again - and then we got talking, went off to the pub, then back to my room at Briddle, and ....'
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