Bear Witness by Mandy Haggith

Bear Witness

Mandy Haggith

The lethal shooting of the last bear in Norway sets off a public outcry and the decision to reintroduce bears to the country. One of the scientists involved is Scottish and she begins to think about reintroducing bears to Scotland. But the adventure begins with an uncooperative colleague - involving a love story, a randy farmer, an anarchist rock band and the Russian Mafia. Stand by for a toboggan ride of an adventure through bear country.

We struck a fast pace back to the cabin, where Petr made omelettes and I laid the table. Over the food, we conversed in the sane tones of colleague scientists, as if there had been no talk of being bears. Petr considered what else I needed to see to equip me for the site selection back in Norway. I said little, just prompting with questions from time to time. Petr decided it was important for me to see a winter denning area.
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