Little Bandaged Days by  Kyra Wilder

Little Bandaged Days

Kyra Wilder

Erika's husband gets a demanding new job in Geneva and she finds herself isolated in a flat with two small children. Whilst he starts early, finishes late and often goes away for days on end she must fill her days with food shopping and coping with the children. Told entirely by an increasingly desperate Erika this book charts her gradual decline and hints at something much darker. An intense and claustrophobic read.


M was gone when I woke up. I slept like a wall had been pulled down on top of me. Slept like I'd never not slept. I woke up and was a different person, someone who was definitely capable of moving through the day, of taking care of B & E, of sitting by the pump for hours smiling happily, of never wanting for any amount of time even for a single second to run away screaming from wherever I was, whatever I was doing. 

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