Dragons by Matthew Francis


Matthew Francis

Matthew Francis writes about mythical creatures in everyday situations with humour and technical skill in this intriguing collection. The settings are rural, including several poems which strongly evoke the seaside, but often they're explored by someone who has never experienced such landscapes before, so that you get to see familiar things in a refreshing and unusual light.


It was not an ideal day to go looking for dragons -
Drizzly. You want it crisp, what you call dragons'
weather. They stay inside when it's wet. Dragons are
great ones for forty winks. There must be dragons
snoring underneath us this minute in the old dragons'
tunnels. All right, Craig, let's go. We got in the Dragons
Unlimited Land Cruiser and set off into the Dragons
Range foothills, just the four of us, shivering ...

from Dragons

  • A Martian Sends a Postcard Home by Craig Raine
  • The Lord of the Ring: The Fellowship of the Ring - a film
  • Gulliver's Travels by Jonathan Swift