Roadkill by Kinky Friedman


Kinky Friedman

One of the funniest books I've read in years. Imagine all the problems that can beset an ageing country singer turned private detective, in New York, and then add some more. You won't be even half way there. Read and laugh.

With all attendant haste I walked over to the refrigerator, removed the little black smiling puppet head, raised the window a bit, and tossed that beloved object out into the cold, uncaring New York City afternoon. The wind had picked up a bit, apparently, for the gaily-coloured parachute carried the puppet head on a trajectory well over Rambam's head. Not to be thwarted, with an almost superhuman effort, Rambam launched himself into the street, narrowly missing being garrotted by a slow moving garbage truck rendezvousing with a nearby Dumpster, and performed a circus catch.
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