The Love Secrets of Don Juan by Tim Lott

The Love Secrets of Don Juan

Tim Lott

I was afraid this might be a bit of a cliche - middle-aged divorced Dad struggles to get over a failed marriage, keep in touch with his daughter and find love. But I really enjoyed it - it's funny and very readable with lots of irony and shrewd observations on contemporary relationships.

We pull into the car park of Teddy's Big Adventure. I almost fall backwards as the cacophony inside assaults my ears. The downpour has brought in every family from within a ten-mile radius. There's nowhere to sit, food and sweet wrappers all over the floor, and the play apparatus is so crowded that it looks as if it's about to collapse. But Poppy wants to come here, although as she stares at the heaving mass of screeching bodies she's looking a tad nervous. Why wouldn't she? A Paras lieutenant would look a tad nervous.
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