Sappho's Leap by Erica Jong

Sappho's Leap

Erica Jong

In this novel, you will be taken on a fantastic journey with Sappho: rebellious teenager, wife, mother, famed poet and singer of erotic love. Go island-hopping circa 600 BC from Lesbos to Syracuse, to Delphi and Naucratis. If like me, the unpredictability of a British summer has you longing for a Mediterranean isle, this book will give you more sun, sex and sangria than any tour operator.

So many stories about me. My legend confused with the legends of Aphrodite. Did I leap to my death for the love of a handsome young ferryman? Did I love women or men? Does love even have a sex? I doubt it. If you are lucky enough to love, who cares what decorative flesh your lover sports? ... And no one wears anything for long but a coat of dust. Only the songs of passion linger.

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