Black Sea Twilight by Domnica Radulescu

Black Sea Twilight

Domnica Radulescu

Brimming with folklore, this quest for fulfilment is told through the eyes of Nora Teodoru. Rich descriptions reveal the dreams, loves and ambitions of repressed and talented youth, even in the face of adversity. From the political tensions of Romania to the bohemian art world of Paris, life's dangerous twists and turns throw up surprises for Nora, threatening all that she holds dear - but her passion for life, love and truth win through.

The spring night air hits our lungs with its saltiness, its raw purple smells. This is a Romanian movie in the making, a movie about Romania's confused youth, the Ceausescu generation, trying to live in a strident pretence of freedom. Pretended freedom feels almost like freedom. My parents come out of the sitting room, alarmed by the noise, and stare at us in consternation, as if they were faced with a crowd of loonies freshly escaped from the local asylum. They are speechless and motionless, hands in the air and eyes wide open, a Goya portrait in the early stages.

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