Utterly Monkey by Nick Laird

Utterly Monkey

Nick Laird

Danny Williams has escaped from Ulster into life as a successful London lawyer, that is until the day Geordie Wilson, on the run from an irate brother who is also a Protestant extremist, comes knocking on his door. Lad lit with great humour but also some thought-provoking themes, this book is also recommended for anyone who loves London as much as the author obviously does.

Danny was too shocked to speak. He was unemployed. Like Geordie. He was out of work. After years of staying anchored to a desk, witnessing his gradual submersion by the high tide of a job he didn't like and couldn't do, he'd been cut loose. He was floating on the surface. This was good. This was a good thing, he repeated in his head, not quite able to swim across to the far side of the persuaded.
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