The Glass Books of the Dream Eaters by W G Dahlquist

The Glass Books of the Dream Eaters

W G Dahlquist

This is a gothic fantasy thriller packaged in a big, big book. So set some time aside for it because I guarantee you won't be able put it down. A sort of 'Fingersmith' meets 'Frankenstein' with touches of black humour that are entirely 21st century.

She had known other men with such open capacity for brutal action - in fact, her father was just such a man - but there the brutality had always been clothed in the guise of business and friendship. With Chang, the truth of the work was worn openly. She struggled to find this refreshing - she told herself it was exactly that - but could not suppress a shudder. Doctor Svenson seemed to her less formidable and more stricken by common fears and hesitancies, but then so was she - and Miss Temple knew that no one in her world would have granted her the capacity to survive what she already had. She trusted in the Doctor's resilience then, as she trusted in her own. Besides, she smiled to think it, many otherwise capable men were not at their best around a fetching woman.
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